22 February 2021
The Earth is in grave danger. Man’s impudent actions have brought inimical repercussions upon him and other living organisms, which may accompany mankind to its downfall and fauna and flora to the brink of extinction. Deforestation in the name of development is one such crucial facet which bring about global warming, increase in the carbon footprints and soil erosion which in turn give rise to melting of glaciers, increase in the sea level threatening some islands to vanish, pollution of air resulting in various illnesses, lands becoming barren thus posing a threat to cultivation, contamination of water streams, irregular rains, destruction of animal habitats thus challenging the balance of bio diversity and the list goes on…
The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.– Rabindranath Tagore –

Trees hold a prominent place in global food consumption (Not only man’s, but other organisms’ as well)
Production of
One tree is expected to produce nearly 118 kg of oxygen each year on average
Trees are the home to many species. They make the habitat for a large variety of fauna and flora.
Reduce global
Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. It is believed that one acre of trees removes up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year